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School Safety

Unfortunately, we live in a time where school violence is on the forefront of our minds. The MSD of North Posey County wants to do everything we can to keep your children safe and allow our parents and students to focus on their learning and growing.

Therefore, we are utilizing a new online educational program on school safety. This program is a way to learn about the threat assessment process and how it can prevent violence. In particular, this program:

  • Helps to gain an understanding of the threat assessment process we are using in our schools to prevent violence.
  • Has been successfully field-tested; all groups demonstrated large gains in knowledge of threat assessment and improved willingness to report threats to school officials after completing the program.
  • Is designed to be a problem-solving approach to violence prevention that involves assessment and intervention with students who have threatened violence in some way.

The primary goal of threat assessment is safety for everyone by staying ahead of violence.

We encourage all our Viking Parents and students, aged 12 and up, in the North Posey School District to complete this program.

Threat Assessment Program Modules

This 15 minute program is a way to learn about the threat assessment process used in your school and how it can prevent violence. You will be asked to identify your school, but not yourself, when completing the program.
To access the modules:
Parent Access Code: phh5m4
Student Access Code: sguve4


Please address any questions about the district’s threat assessment policy and threat reporting to your child’s school principal.
This project is being conducted by the Youth Violence Project of the Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services and the Virginia Department of Education. It is supported by Grant #NIJ 2014-CK-BX-0004 awarded by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Dewey Cornell is the project’s principal investigator and Dr. Jennifer Maeng is the project director and can be contacted with questions at .